Python 2
Hi! My name is Srishti Sripada, and I am a rising freshman. I will teach Python programming for grades 4 to 9. Throughout the course, I will go over the basics of Python programming, and teach the students how to do written code to create a variety of projects. I have developed a curriculum that will allow students to easily explore the coding world through creating fun games, and developing interesting projects. The course will be filled with games, assignments, quizzes, and more. At the end of the course, there will be a Capstone Project that will include the different techniques and will allow them to put the skills they acquired through the course to use.
Minimum Donation: $40
Duration: 4 weeks, 8 classes
Lessons: 1 1/2 hrs per class
Timings: Wednesdays and Fridays 3:30 - 5:00 PM PST
Registration Link:
Week 1
Lessons 1&2:
In this lesson, the students will be walked through Installing Python (PYTHON 3) and will learn about IDLE, which is the Interactive Development Environment where all the coding happens. They will learn how to code using specific functions, statements, and expressions to create a user-friendly environment for the user. After this, they will take their skills and make their first project, a Joke Simulator where the “computer” will tell jokes to the user. They will learn:
- Integers and Floating-Point Numbers - using escape characters
- Expressions - using single quotes and double
- Values quotes for strings
- Operators - using print()’s end keyword
- Evaluating Expressions argument to skip newlines
- Storing Values in Variables - print()
- string concatenation - input()
- comments - Case-sensitivity
Week 2
Lessons 3&4:
They will continue learning the basics of the programming language Python and will get into more advanced topics. These will allow for more user-program interactions with more of player’s input in the code. Using these, they will create a game: The Guessing Game where the user has to guess the number the program randomly generates using clues of whether the guess is too high or low. They will also have programmed a pyglatin word generator. They will do this through the use of:
- Index - Flow control statements
- String methods - else statement
- String Formatting - elif statement
- import statements - incrementing variables
- Modules - .isalpha()
- while statements - Comparison operators
- Conditions - The difference between = and ==
- Blocks - Booleans
- if statements - The break keyword
- The str()and int()and float() functions - The random.randint() function
Week 3
Lessons 5&6:
Now they have learned most of the basics and will be moving onto more complex concepts such as defining their own functions for the computer to do exactly what they want it to, which can be reused in other code or later in the same code, simplifying their work. They will code another game called Dragon Realms in which they will give the player the choice to go in a specific cave and based on that get a result. They will code this by learning:
- The time.sleep() function - Truth tables
- Creating your own functions - Global and local variable scope
with the def keyword - Parameters and Arguments
- The return keyword - Flow charts
- The and, or, and not Boolean operators - Function structure
- Function imports - Universal imports
- max(), min(), and abs() functions - type()
Week 4
Lessons 7&8:
So far they have learned concepts that display specific information on the screen, then learned how to include user’s input, and then how to make various responses based on this input. Now they will learn how to create and manipulate lists to do all of these simultaneously and include the programmer’s decisions, randomness, and the user’s response. They will create a new project for Hangman:
- Methods - The in and not in operators
- Lists - The range() and list() functions
- The append() and reverse() list methods - del statements
- The lower(), upper(), split() - startswith(), and endswith() string methods
- for loops - elif statements
- list slicing - sort()
- The dictionary data type - Key-value pairs
- The keys() and values() dictionary methods - Multiple variable assignment
The Capstone Project:
By now the students have gotten their feet wet with Python. The capstone is an opportunity to show what they can create from scratch. Their capstone project will have some thread of individual and unique thought. They could produce a game for the project, like the games they have learned in the lessons. They will get to incorporate everything that they learned from the course to create something that they would enjoy playing or interacting with, bug-free.
They can show it off to their parents, friends, and family to show how much they learned and that they can code!