My name is Anagha Dogiparthi, and I am currently a rising sophomore at Wilcox High School. I have been coding since fifth grade and was even able to win multiple hackathons (TST, Inspire, WilHacks 3.0) with the knowledge I have accumulated.
Additionally, I was given the opportunity to tutor students in Python during the fall, and the course was highly successful (see testimonies below).
My curriculum covers the foundational basics of Python and a more project-based style that allows students to learn creatively. The end-of-course Capstone Project will envelop everything covered and test students' ability to grasp the information covered.
Minimum Donation: $30
Duration: 4 weeks, 8 classes
Lessons: 2x weekly, 1.5 hrs per class
Dates: July 5th - July 28th
Timings: 5-6:30 PM PST
For more information, email
Week One
Day 1
On Day 1, students will be introduced to the language of Python. Since this is the first class, we will be learning about commonly used syntax commands and the different ways they are used. In order to encapsulate everything we covered, we will be constructing a Joke-Telling Game.
They will also be provided with a Google Classroom to join in order to be updated with Google Meet/Zoom Links and homework assignments.
Day 2
On Day 2, students will be covering:
String Methods/Formatting
Import Commands/Modules
While/If/Else Statements
Str(), Int(), Float(), Break Keyboard
They will also be constructing a Guessing Game and the Pyglatin Word Generator.
*anything not finished in class will be assigned as homework-- which is preferably completed on time before the next class.
"It has been a really great experience for me in Python, especially from you because I think you make it interesting. All of those commands and making games will definitely help me in the future" - Student, Fall 2021
"I feel like I have been learning a lot and find the class very useful and beneficial" - Student, Fall 2021
Week Two
Day 1
On Day 3 (Day 1 of Week 2), students will be covering more common Python concepts:
Functions with the def keyword
max/min/abs function
Return keyword
Boolean operators
Function imports
Truth tables
global/local var scope
Parameters and arguments
Flow charts
Function structures
Universal imports
Students will be introduced to these concepts by learning how to develop a story game (where they will have to pick between several different scenarios to get to certain outcomes).
Day 2
On Day 4 (Day 2 of Week 2), students will continue their exploration of various Python commands/functions/scripts.
For Loops
List Slicing
Dictionary Data Types
Def Statements
Elif Statements
Students will learn these concepts through a more complicated game-- Hangman. They will first be guided through the construction of the game, (beginning the process with a flowchart), and then later developing construction.
Week Three
Day 1
On Day 5 (Day 1 of Week 3), students will review the previous week’s homework assignment (in order to solidify their knowledge and absorption of fundamental terminology). Additionally, they will complete the construction of the Hangman game.
Day 2
On Day 6 (Day 2 of Week 3), students will be introduced to a unique subsection of Python: PyGame. This opens the door to a whole new world of possibilities, as actual graphic elements were not possible until now. Considering the short length of the course, we cannot go too far deep, but I thought it would be useful to dedicate this class to this concept before we started our final capstone project.
Week Four
Day 1
On Day 7 (Day 1 of Week 4), students will officially begin planning for their final capstone project. In order to help them pace themselves (necessary for every coder and coding project), I have created a handy planning sheet for them to follow. This includes a specific requirement for a flowchart, which is also a basic skill all coders should have when developing their very own app or game.
Day 2
On Day 8 (Day 2 of Week 4), students will develop their final game. If they are completed (after final checks from me), they will present their projects in front of the class. This will be shared with parents and the rest of the EKAM community!