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Environmental Science

Environmental Science class is taught by Divya Sundar and Sowmya Sundar. Divya is a rising senior and Sowmya is a rising eighth grader.


Divya Sundar has been participating in the Santa Clara County Science and Engineering Fair since sixth grade. She has won awards at both her school science fair as well as at the regional science fair. In both seventh and eighth grade, she was invited to display her project at the Silicon Valley Comic-Con. Recently, she has also volunteered locally for the student-run organization Opportunity X, which helps underprivileged students formulate science projects and compete in fairs.


Sowmya Sundar has been participating in school science fairs since 4th grade. She has won at school and regional science fairs. She has won state awards in the California State Science Fair in 7th grade for her environmental project, reusing greywater using natural methods. She enjoys helping the environment and would like to spread the love of science to her students.





Minimum Donation: $30

Duration: 4 weeks, 7 classes

Lessons: 2x weekly, 1 hr per class

Timings: Mondays and Wednesdays, 3-4 PM PST


For more information, email



"Thanks so much, Divya. My daughter really enjoyed your experiment. You were really nice with the kids"

Parent of a First Grader


Thank you so much for the workshop, my son really loved it. Divya was so good with kids explaining the science behind the Slurpee. 

Parent of a First Grader

Week One

Introduction to the class


In this class, we will be talking about topics covered during the session. Students will choose an environmental project that will be showcased the last day. Students will be introduced to climate change with fun videos. Finally, we will play a Kahoot! game on topics that was covered during the class.

Plastic pollution:


In this class, students will learn the history of plastic pollution and its effects around the globe. They'll understand why plastic can harm the environment and how they can play their part in reducing plastic. 




Week Two

Food sustainability:


In this class, students will learn about food sustainability. The class will cover topics from eating healthy to shopping locally. They will learn about why buying locally can help the environment. Also, finally, they will learn about why sustainability is important.

Air Pollution:


In this class, students will learn about air pollution, its causes, and its effects on the environment. They'll dive into topics such as environmental triggers and lead's effects on health. To top it off, students will learn ways to identify air pollution and stay safe.


Week Three

Water Quality:


In this class, students will explore water pollution. Students will learn about new scientific concepts and witness a live demonstration of testing strips. Finally, they'll use their skills to perform an experiment of their own.




In this class, students will learn about the detrimental effects of deforestation. They'll use their new knowledge to do a fun arts and crafts project!

Week Four


In the final class, students will display their projects to their parents and the rest of the students. The project will be a 2 to 3-minute video on any topic related to the environment. The class will finish with the students describing their favorite parts of the course and what they learned.

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